I started training with Solution Saddles in 2008 and have been a Technical Advisor since 2010. Based in Derbyshire, I travel to many areas of the UK. In 2018 I will pursue my training with the Society of Master Saddlers to expand my saddle fitting knowledge. Alongside this I will complete my Equinology horse anatomy qualification and the Equinenergy saddle fitting course for equine professionals.
I have a deep understanding of natural horsemanship methods and training, barefoot rehabilitation and healthy, natural equine nutrition. I have patience with young and ‘problem horses’ as well as experience in competing in dressage, showjumping, arena eventing and showing. I enjoy a challenge and live for making my clients and their horses happy.
Having had a successful showing record at county level with Natives and Cobs in both Working Hunter and flat classes, I came to Solution Saddles when my Heavyweight Cob stopped jumping. I have only ridden in a Solution saddle since. I currently have a rescued 17 year old Irish Thoroughbred; we are now bitless, barefoot, treeless and brilliant! Once deemed dangerous, he is now a dope on a rope and is a constant source of learning and inspiration - my horse of a lifetime. We qualified for Horse of the Year Show Search For A Star in 2014 and went to the finals. Our next focus is on qualifying for Olympia Veterans. I ride in a SMART Show saddle and SMART Pro Jump saddle.

"There is nothing I am surer of; a horse can only give its best when it is free from pain. Whilst this is more complicated than just a saddle, a saddle that moves with and supports both horse and rider, that offers full freedom for unrestricted movement, flexibility, reduced concussion, greater feel and better communication, has to be vital for long term soundness and safety of horse and rider - plus maybe, eventually, competitive success - if that is what you seek.’’
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